Rene Fernandez - Las Huellas 

Rene Fernandez, the hardworking son of an even harder-working father, Juan Evangelista Fernandez, is the second producer to perfect the protocols for optimal Parainema growth in Las Flores.

Las Flores, Santa Barbara

About Rene

Rene’s family holds great significance—his grandfather was one of the very first settlers in the mountains of Santa Barbara, in what is now known as Las Flores. Family has been growing coffee since 1970's before any roads existed which would later link the community to neighbouring towns.

Rene received a plot from his father at the highest elevation of La Maravilla, or "The Wonder" farm, which he named "Las Huellas." He constructed a processing station at the top of the plot, along with a driveway to efficiently transport coffee from the top of the farm to the drying facility. In 2018, I had the opportunity to sponsor the construction of a second drying facility, featuring an innovative rail system with a movable chair and trolley to streamline movement from the back to the front of the drying tent. The parabolic dryers were thoughtfully designed to ensure optimal airflow.

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Our favourite region in all of Honduras is the majestic and mysterious Santa Barbara, believed to be an inactive volcano area.

Parainema - the history

The Parainema variety was developed by the Honduran Coffee Institute (IHCAFE) as part of a crossbreeding program within the Sarchimor variety. It originated from a breeding initiative at CATIE in Costa Rica, involving a T-5269 (Sarchimor), and was introduced to Honduras around 2010. The primary goal of the program was to enhance resistance to coffee leaf rust without compromising cup quality—a goal that, for green coffee buyers, often resulted in what was humorously referred to as "Paca-weirdo." This playful term arose during the early days of encountering Parainema on cupping tables at San Vicente, describing its distinct lime juice, herbal notes, and high acidity. In the early stages of its discovery in 2015, Parainema was frequently mistaken for Pacamara seeds until IHCAFE clarified what appeared to be a typographical mix-up.

Farm location: Honduras

Altitude: 1380-1450 masl

Processing: washed / anaerobic

Variety: parainema

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The first producer to grow Parainema was "Yoyo," a farmer named Eulogio Martinez, who happened to be Juan's neighbour. It was Eulogio who passed the seeds on to Juan, thus beginning Parainema's journey in the Las Flores region.

In recent years, the majority of coffees showcased in the Honduran Cup of Excellence competition have come from Santa Barbara. This recognition is largely thanks to Beneficio San Vicente, pioneers in fostering relationships and elevating coffee production. While there are both positive and negative aspects to participating in the Cup of Excellence, for Santa Barbara, it marked the beginning of something extraordinary. It sparked a movement that has yet to lose momentum—a movement dedicated to producing exceptional coffees with truly unique cup profiles.

Santa Barbara includes iconic areas like Las Flores, El Cedral, and El Cielito. These were among the first places I visited during my first trip to the origin, and they continue to hold a special place in my heart.

Our favourite region in all of Honduras is the majestic and mysterious Santa Barbara, believed to be an inactive volcano area.